Did You Know


Dressage is more than trot."
- Jennifer Klitzke

How Dressage Benefits
Gaited Horses

naturally gaited Tennessee walking horse flat walk on a loose rein
I Bought A Gaited Horse,
Why isn't it smooth?

Does your gaited horse pace, have a hard trot or doesn't stay in a smooth gait consistently? Here are tips to develop a smooth gait.

Marvel flat walk
Differences in Dressage

Are all dressage methods the same? Do all dressage applications produce the same result? Let's take a look.

naturally gaited horse fox trot
Does Rhythm Produce Relaxation?

Relaxation is key to develop smooth gaits for the Tennessee Walking Horse and other naturally gaited horse breeds. So, how do you teach the horse relaxation?

Introducing the snaffle bit
Introducing a Snaffle Bit with
Your Naturally Gaited Horse

Did you know that teaching your gaited horse to relax its mouth, lower jaw, and poll can relax its body to perform smooth gaits?

Starting a
Gaited Horse
in Dressage

Starting a gaited horse in dressage begins with developing a relationship of relaxation and communication starting from the ground up!

what is a naturally gaited horse
What is a Naturally
Gaited Horse

All horses have natural gaits. So, what is the difference between a horse with natural gaits and a naturally gaited horse?


Among the natural smooth gaits of the Tennessee Walking Horse are the flat walk, running walk, fox trot, saddle rack, and canter. Many naturally gaited horses are able to do these gaits and more on cue!

Naturally gaited Tennessee walking horse flat walk
Naturally Gaited Tennessee Walking Horse Saddle Rack
naturally gaited horse fox trot
Naturally gaited Tennessee walking horse flat walk

How dressage Improves Smooth Gaits


Wondering how to get started in dressage with your naturally gaited horse?

Learning dressage and have a question?

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